Articles tagged: d2l
Here you will find a list of best practices, tips and tricks, and extra information to help you create a powerful Quiz.
The D2L Dropbox folder is an assignment submission folder where students upload completed assignments such as document, graphic, audio, and video, files.
On July 28 the New Quiz Experience will become permanent in Brightspace. We have updated our documentation to reflect the new Experience.
Additionally the update on July 28 will also change some of the behaviours around quiz timing.
The Quizzes tool enables you to create and manage quantifiable assessments.
D2L is changing the user interface for creating and editing quizzes. Much of the functionality of the existing quiz experience is present, but may be found in a different place or be worded differently.
In D2L, there are 12 different types of questions that can be created for use in Quizzes and Surveys.
Individual users can set up Email and SMS notifications for all their courses (not course by course).
Zoom does occasionally suffer from a problem which prevents you from logging in or connecting to a meeting. Often these problems are solved quickly, but Microsoft Teams is available as an alternative.
The Question Library is a central repository that stores and archives questions which you can reuse within a course.
The banner can be customized by selecting an image from the D2L Library, or by uploading an image from your personal files.
Give each learner a random set of quiz questions. By doing so it can help reduce instances of cheating.
There are two types of online discussions – synchronous and asynchronous. You could set up synchronous discussions via video-conferencing tools such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams to have a real–time discussion with your students or answer any questions that they may have. This replicates the classroom experience where a certain meeting time is established.
Release conditions in D2L allow you to create a custom learning path through the materials in your course.
The Content tool is used to upload and organize files that you share with students. Content is organized in modules (folders) and files.
To upload a file to your D2L course, follow the steps below.
The navigation bar has been customized for your faculty to ensure a consistent user interface for students across campus.
These instructions will help you enroll additional users in your D2L course, e.g. a teaching assistant (TA) or a second instructor.
This page explains how to set up a gradebook in D2L.
A summary of changes to University of Calgary learning technologies and tools that happened during May 2021.
Create and attach a Release Condition to your course material.
The discussion board is a virtual conversation space where students and instructors collaborate using short question answer style posts. The discussion board serves as a focal point for conversation in an online course. It is best to create discussion boards during the course setup.
Special access can be assigned to students to provide academic accommodations and give them extended time limits for quizzes or other form of submissions based on need.
There are multiple ways to send emails to users (e.g. Instructors, Students, TA’s, etc.) who are enrolled in your D2L course. This guide will show you several preferred methods.
Using the Preview option, you can take the quiz as a student does to ensure the accuracy of content and grading before you release a quiz.
Deleting a condition from a particular item in the course.
This tutorial explains how to set up the following types of assessment items: Weighted Assessment Item (percentile) and Letter Grade Assessment Item (requires Letter Grade Scheme)
If you would like to re-use materials from a course that you have taught previously, please follow these instructions.
D2L can automatically grade quizzes for you and send scores to the gradebook. By default, a quiz is not associated with the gradebook. You should create an association so scores will transfer from a quiz to a Grade Item.
D2L allows you to customize the nav bar for your course.
Some quiz questions can be set up to be graded automatically by D2L, including multiple-choice, true/false, multi-select, and matching.
This page outlines how to retrieve assignment submissions from dropbox.
You can set your quizzes to provide feedback automatically as students complete quizzes.
There are many setting options for quizzes in terms of access, timing and number of attempts. Find the most common ones listed here.
Rubrics are a grading and feedback tool that specifies the assessment criteria and level of achievement of an assessment
In order for a rubric to be associated with a D2L assessment item, the rubric must be built using D2L rubric tools.
An association is formed when a rubric is selected to be used by a tool.
Make copies of rubrics or delete rubrics you no longer need
Common Quiz issues you may encounter.
User friendly, non-developer design templates with a variety of layout styles were developed to create clean-looking content pages. These templates are recommended for non-developers to improve the look and feel of their courses.
Want to create videos for teaching & learning, but not sure which tool to use? Check out this decision tree.
Setting up D2L groups, with associated dropbox folders and discussion topics, is a process that takes a few minutes and which requires completing several sequential steps. Please set aside a few minutes to complete the entire process.
As instructor, you may provide feedback for submitted assignments in a Dropbox folder using the annotation tools.
We recommend creating a gradebook category for any assignment that is comprised of several, related assessment items.
By default, a simple Percentage scheme is visible under Schemes. It is suggested that you set up a letter grade scheme corresponding to what is outlined in your course syllabus.
After groups have been created, it is possible to modify the group composition.
Follow these steps to create and schedule a Zoom meeting from D2L.
These templates are recommended for advance users to improve the look and feel of their courses.
A replacement string lets instructors customize course content and communications in the D2L Learning Environment by incorporating the intended reader’s personalized information, such as their name, automatically.
Timely feedback and assessment of discussion board participation throughout the semester ensures that students have the opportunity to fulfill discussion board criteria and assessment requirements.
This document shows you how to modify the answer after quizzes are completed.
The D2L ePortfolio document will walk you through a series of screenshots that will help you to build an ePortfolio in D2L, where you can begin to reflect on your learning journey over time.
The following information explains how to enter grades for a single assessment item.
By default, final grades are not visible to students. This document explains how to release final grades to students.
Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights Clarification for Instructors using D2L and TopHat.
Some instructors may allow you to review your quiz answers. In some cases, the feedback or correct answers will be included. If your instructor has enabled these features, you can review your answers as follows.
This guide will show you how to set up student grades in Excel for import to D2L gradebook.
This tutorial provides instructions on how to manually download an Excel file from the D2L gradebook and format it before submitting to PeopleSoft (Faculty Centre) for final approval.
Theses videos show you how to adjust your grid view settings.
Student participation in online learning can be easily assessed using discussion forum assessment tools. The advantage with using this tool is that all comments in each topic from each student can be easily viewed in a list.
To re-order discussion forums, follow the steps below.
In the event that you accidentally delete discussion posts, those posts can be restored using the following procedure.
Track when students started a quiz and how many attempts they took per quiz.
Once you receive completed quizzes from students, you can view quiz statistics such as grade distribution, grade average, question statistics, and user statistics on the Statistics page.
Students can see the rubric associated with an activity from the Gradebook.
To manually enroll students in groups, modify group composition, and review group member lists.
The Role Switch feature in D2L allows you to get an idea (to some degree) of how your course is viewed by students.
A D2L course needs to be made Active before students can view its content and access other course tools. Follow the steps below to make the course available to students.
A group or section membership list and class enrolment list, can be printed using the Export to Excel or CSV feature or be printed as a PDF file.
The Classlist / Email feature is used by students and instructors to contact students in the class. You can hide the Classlist / Email feature to prevent students from accessing the student email address list without compromising instructor and TA access.
This document will help you understand how class sections are listed in PeopleSoft and how that information translates into a Course Offering Code in D2L.
Objects like media files, interactive animations (flash, HTML5), web pages, online forms & docs (Google, Microsoft or others), can be embedded into Content using the HTML Editor.
A Google Drive document can be embedded into Content using the HTML5 Editor. This instruction outlines how to embed a Google Drive document.