Importing grades from an Excel spreadsheet to D2L
This guide will show you how to set up student grades in Excel for import to D2L gradebook. Please note that this tutorial assumes that you have a working understanding of Excel files and that the file you intend to import is in one of the following formats: .csv, .txt
1. In the Assessments dropdown menu, select Grades.

2. Click Enter Grades, and select Import.

3. Browse your files for your excel spreadsheet, select Create new grade item if necessary. Click Continue

4. Verify the content that will be imported and ensure that you have selected the correct grade item type. Uncheck any items that are not wanted. Click Continue.

5. Verify that Maximum Points (total points score) and Weight (percentage of final grade) are correctly entered. Click Continue.

In the final step of the process, you will be re-directed to the Enter Grades section in Assessments. Imported grades will appear as new assessment items and the imported grades will be added to your gradebook page.
Note: if a student who has dropped the course is listed in your spreadsheet, or there is an incorrect ID number, there will an error message. If the student has dropped the class, you can ignore the warning. Additionally, imported items will override previous grades if the name of an imported grade item names is the same as an existing grade item name.