Viewing Quiz Attempt Logs

Track when students started a quiz and how many attempts they took per quiz. From the Detailed tab you can view the following quiz attempt events: Quiz Entry and re-entry times, Response Save time, Page Movement time, Quiz confirmation screen / completion time, and IP Address when each event occurs.

D2L keeps a log of every student’s activity in a quiz. Whenever a student enters a quiz, saves an answer, changes pages, and so forth, an entry is made into that student’s individual Quiz Log.

Class Attempts Logs
  1. Go to Assessment, then Quizzes. For the quiz you would like to see the attempt logs, click the drop down arrow to open the actions menu.
  2. Select Attempt Logs.

  1. Click on the tabs under Overview to see when each student entered the quiz, completed it, who deleted a quiz attempt, or who restored a deleted quiz attempt.
  1. Select Detailed to see all of this information at once, plus student IP Addresses and when each answer was saved.
Individual Student’s Logs
  1. Go to Assessment, then Quizzes. For the quiz you would like to see the attempt logs, click the drop down arrow to open the actions menu.
  2. Click the drop down arrow to open the quiz’s Action menu.
  3. Select Grade.
  4. Click the Attempt # beneath a student’s name to open their quiz attempt.
  5. Click on the Quizzes Event Log.