Hosting a Meeting
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The following options are recommended when you are hosting a Zoom meeting. Please note that these settings are recommended to optimize privacy.
Breakout rooms allow you to split your Zoom meeting in up to 50 separate sessions.
In order to keep track of how many students attend lectures, or to have a record for participation grades, an instructor may wish to take attendance for Zoom meetings.
Breakout rooms allow you to split your Zoom meeting in up to 50 separate sessions.
You can host a meeting that starts instantly and you can invite others to join this meeting at any time. There are two ways to start an instant meeting.
Zoom allows for screen sharing on desktop, tablet and mobile devices running Zoom.
You can mute and unmute participants while you are hosting a meeting.
You can stop participant’s video or ask them to start video.
If you are hosting a meeting, you can make a participant host/co-host.
Zoom offers the ability to chat with everyone simultaneously, or to send private messages to individual participants.
The Auto-Transcript feature in Zoom produces an automatic live transcript of everyone speaking in the Zoom session that meeting participants can see either as subtitles or as a live transcript.
The polling feature for meetings allows you to create single choice or multiple choice polling questions for your meetings.
Pre-assigning these breakout rooms can save time during the Zoom meeting such that participants are automatically sorted into the appropriate rooms without further action from the host.
There are several ways to host webinars and large meetings using platforms provided by the University of Calgary.