Articles tagged: assessment

Here you will find a list of best practices, tips and tricks, and extra information to help you create a powerful Quiz.

The D2L Dropbox folder is an assignment submission folder where students upload completed assignments such as document, graphic, audio, and video, files.

Gradescope, is an assessment management tool. Gradescope can be used to help gather assessments, particularly hand written ones, match them to a class roster and then simplify the grading process.

This page explains how to set up a gradebook in D2L.

This tutorial explains how to set up the following types of assessment items: Weighted Assessment Item (percentile) and Letter Grade Assessment Item (requires Letter Grade Scheme)

D2L can automatically grade quizzes for you and send scores to the gradebook. By default, a quiz is not associated with the gradebook. You should create an association so scores will transfer from a quiz to a Grade Item.

This page outlines how to retrieve assignment submissions from dropbox.

You can set your quizzes to provide feedback automatically as students complete quizzes.

Rubrics are a grading and feedback tool that specifies the assessment criteria and level of achievement of an assessment

In order for a rubric to be associated with a D2L assessment item, the rubric must be built using D2L rubric tools.

An association is formed when a rubric is selected to be used by a tool.

Make copies of rubrics or delete rubrics you no longer need

Effective assessment requires a culture shift that moves away from focusing on evaluating student performance in isolation to evaluating student learning as part of a comprehensive design to support student learning.

We recommend creating a gradebook category for any assignment that is comprised of several, related assessment items.

By default, a simple Percentage scheme is visible under Schemes. It is suggested that you set up a letter grade scheme corresponding to what is outlined in your course syllabus.

The following information explains how to enter grades for a single assessment item.

By default, final grades are not visible to students. This document explains how to release final grades to students.

This document outlines how to release final grades from D2L to PeopleSoft. Using the gradebook in D2L is optional.

This guide will show you how to set up student grades in Excel for import to D2L gradebook.

This tutorial provides instructions on how to manually download an Excel file from the D2L gradebook and format it before submitting to PeopleSoft (Faculty Centre) for final approval.

Students can see the rubric associated with an activity from the Gradebook.