Using the same grade item for different quiz sections or quiz times
This guide describes a workaround for associating one grade item for the grading of multiple quizzes on D2L as well as how to use one grade item for the same quiz available at different times for two sections of students. Note that a grade item must be used only once for a student (otherwise it will be overwritten).
First Scenario
An instructor has a course with two sections – Section 1 and Section 2. Section 1 has its own schedule which is different from Section 2. The name of the assignments is the same (e.g. Quiz 1), however you would like to provide a different set of problems. The objective is to use the same grade item for both quizzes that have identical names – Quiz 1 – that will later be exported to a gradebook. This will significantly decrease time spent grading and/or too many grade items that may clutter a gradebook.
1. Create a quiz, go to Availability Dates & Conditions on the right-hand side of the screen. Under Release Conditions, click Add Release Condition and select New.

2. Under Condition Type, select Section Enrolment.

Choose the Section required and click Create.

3. To associate the grade item with a quiz, change the default Not in Grade Book to Edit or Link to Existing.

Next you have the options to Create and link to a new grade item for the quiz or Link to an existing grade item. We recommend setting up the Grade book beforehand and linking the existing grade item to the corresponding quiz. If your quiz item is already created, select Link to an existing grade item and choose it from the list.

However, if you decide to select Create and link to a new grade item, D2L will create a grade item for you, but the default weight will be set as 10%. If we need to adjust the weight, you would have to do that manually in the Gradebook later.
Under the Evaluation & Feedback tab in the lower right-hand corner, you may also choose for the grade to be auto-published and synchronized to gradebook.

4. Finish the quiz set up and click on Save and Close.
5. After the students have completed the quiz, go to the quiz that has to be graded, click on the downward arrow then Grade and complete assessment (Grade a quiz and/or Add feedback for individual question, if required).
The grade will be automatically exported into a gradebook as soon as you click on the blue Publish button.
6. To disconnect the grade item from the quiz: go to the quiz, click on downwards arrow, then Edit. Next, under Grade Out Of, choose Not in Grade book, and click Save and Close. Now your quiz has been disassociated with the grade item.

Now, since there is another quiz with the same name–Quiz 1–that has to be taken by a group of students from Section 2, the goal is to associate this quiz with the grade item that has been used before to associate with the grades in Section 1.
7. Refer to step 1.
8. Referring to step 2, select Section 2 instead of Section 1. Follow all the steps from 3 to 5. When you get to Assessments then Grades you will find a question mark beside your grade. If the grade item was not exported into the gradebook, follow step 10.
9. Go back to your quiz by clicking on Assessments then Quizzes, find the quiz that has to be graded, click on the downward arrow next to the quiz name and select Grade.
10. At the top of the page, under the quiz name, you will find the options Export to CSV/Export to Excel/Export to Grades/Attempt Logs and More Actions. Choose Export to Grades.
Second Scenario
An instructor would like to use one grade item for the same quiz (the same problem set) that will be available at different times for two sections of students.