Articles tagged: quizzes

Synchronous quizzes will be introduced in the next regular update to D2L / Brightspace update on September 29. Synchronous quizzes are an optional type of quiz where students take their attempts simultaneously. They may be convenient for in-class sessions and can provide an online quiz-taking experience that is similar to the traditional on paper test setup.

On July 28 the New Quiz Experience will become permanent in Brightspace. We have updated our documentation to reflect the new Experience.

Additionally the update on July 28 will also change some of the behaviours around quiz timing.

The Quizzes tool enables you to create and manage quantifiable assessments.

D2L is changing the user interface for creating and editing quizzes. Much of the functionality of the existing quiz experience is present, but may be found in a different place or be worded differently.

In D2L, there are 12 different types of questions that can be created for use in Quizzes and Surveys.

The Question Library is a central repository that stores and archives questions which you can reuse within a course.

Special access can be assigned to students to provide academic accommodations and give them extended time limits for quizzes or other form of submissions based on need.

Using the Preview option, you can take the quiz as a student does to ensure the accuracy of content and grading before you release a quiz.

D2L can automatically grade quizzes for you and send scores to the gradebook. By default, a quiz is not associated with the gradebook. You should create an association so scores will transfer from a quiz to a Grade Item.

Some quiz questions can be set up to be graded automatically by D2L, including multiple-choice, true/false, multi-select, and matching.

You can set your quizzes to provide feedback automatically as students complete quizzes.

If due to technical issues the student is unable to submit the quiz, the student’s quiz remains an Attempt in Progress and the system shows no submission or grade for that student.

This document shows you how to modify the answer after quizzes are completed.

Some instructors may allow you to review your quiz answers. In some cases, the feedback or correct answers will be included. If your instructor has enabled these features, you can review your answers as follows.

This guide describes a workaround for associating one grade item for the grading of multiple quizzes on D2L as well as how to use one grade item for the same quiz available at different times for two sections of students.