Associating your quiz with a grade item
D2L can automatically grade quizzes for you and send scores to the gradebook. By default, a quiz is not associated with the gradebook. You should create an association so scores will transfer from a quiz to a Grade Item. We recommend using the grades tool to create your gradebook first, before creating your quizzes.
Watch the overview of the D2L New Quiz Creation Experience:
- Click on the quiz name to open the Edit Quiz screen, where under Grade Out Of you can select different grading options.
You have the option to send the scores to the Grade book or not. If the quiz is Not in Grade Book, Grade Out Of reflects the total points of the questions. If the quiz is In Grade Book, Grade Out Of is the maximum points of the associated grade item in the Grades tool.
To have the quiz linked to Grade book, change the default Not in Grade Book to Edit or Link to Existing.

2. Next you have the option to Create and link to a new grade item for the quiz or Link to an existing grade item.
We recommend setting up the Grade book beforehand and then linking the existing grade item to the corresponding quiz.

However, if you decide to select Create and link to a new grade item, D2L will create a grade item for you, but the default weight will be set as 10%. If we need to adjust the weight, you would have to do that manually in the Gradebook later.
3. For more grading settings, go to the Evaluation & Feedback tab in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

By default, newly created quizzes will auto-publish results to students and the gradebook. If you do not want either or one of this to happen, uncheck the Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion and Synchronize to grade book on publish options.

Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion. Select this option only when your quiz contains questions that can be auto-graded. D2L will give students a zero for ungraded questions, making their quiz scores appear lower than they actually are.
Synchronize to grade book on publish. You can select this option even if you do not want D2L to automatically calculate quiz grades for you, in which case the grade will transfer to grade book once you manually grade the quiz.
4. You can also select what will be displayed to students when the results are published.

- Click the Save button to remain in this tab (or Save and Close to save your changes and exit the quiz).