Adding an OneDrive file to D2L as a link
OneDrive is not integrated with D2L and you cannot add files from OneDrive directly, but there is a workaround you can use to add files in your OneDrive to your D2L course.
1. Go to and select OneDrive.

2. In your OneDrive, find a file you are adding to your D2L course. Move the cursor over the file name and click on the “share” icon.

3. Click Anyone with the link can edit button.

4. Select one of the options available in the window.
- Anyone with the link can edit – anyone with the link can access the file. Use this option when you want to share with people and are comfortable with them passing the link around to other people, inside or outside your organization. Note: The link shared using this option will expire in 7 days.
- People in University of Calgary with the link – only people who have a UofC account can access the file. Use this link when you want to share with someone in the UofC and are comfortable with them passing the link around to other people inside your organization, but when you want to ensure that the link won’t work for external users.
- People with existing access – only people who already have access to the file can access the file. This option will not change who can access the file but generate a new link to share your file.
- Specific people – provides a link that can be used by people that you specify can use to access the file. You will be required to enter email addressed of all students in your class.
NOTE: If you select Anyone with the link, the link will expire in 7 days. If the file needs to be shared fore more than 7 days, select People in University of Calgary with the link or Specific people.
Make sure you uncheck Allow editing checkbox so students are not allowed edit your original file.
You can also set the password and block download here.

Click Apply.
5. In the next window, click Copy Link icon. This will generate a shareable link for the file. You do not need to enter email address here.

6. In your D2L course, create a new module, and go to New > Create a Link.

7. Enter the link you generated previously in OneDrive (step 5) as well as the title of the file.

Click Create.
8. Verify the file can be accessed by clicking on Open in New Window button.