D2L – Sending email to class

There are multiple ways to send emails to users (e.g. Instructors, Students, TA’s, etc.) who are enrolled in your D2L course. This guide will show you several preferred methods:

Send to all users
Send to selected users
Send to specific user group
Send to users in a specific group or section
View sent email items

NOTE: The Classlist in D2L takes overnight to update. Prior to the Add/ Drop date, you may notice some delays or fluctuations in enrollments in your D2L course. As instructor of record, if you need to access the most current registration list and/ or communicate with students at the start of term, you may use the Class Roster in PeopleSoft (Faculty Centre)

Send to all users

1. Go to the D2L course that you wish to send the email from.

2. Click on Communication on the navbar, then select Classlist / Email.

3. Click on the Email Classlist button. (NOTE: Other options shown in the screenshot may not be available, depending on your role in the course.)

4. Click on the blue Send Email button.

5. Enter the Subject.  By default, it will show your D2L course name.  We recommend that you keep this information and simply enter additional text after the title.  Compose your message in the Body field.  In the To field, you may manually enter your email address, but it is not necessary, as the system will by default send a copy of the message to your email inbox. Click the Send button when done.

Send to selected users

1. Go to the D2L course that you wish to send the email from.

2. Click on Communication on the navbar, then select Classlist / Email.

3. By default, D2L only shows 20 users on the Classlist, so you might want to change the display to 200 per page first.  Using the checkboxes, select the names of individuals you wish to send the email to, then click on the Email link.

4. Compose your message and click on the send button.

Send to a specific user group

1. Go to the D2L course that you wish to send the email from.

2. Click on Communication on the navbar, then select Classlist / Email.

3. Click on the Email Classlist button.

4. Select the User Group that you wish to send the email to, e.g. Instructors & TAs, then click on the Send Email button.

5. Compose your message and click on the send button.

Send to users in a particular group or section

NOTE: Some options may not be available, depending on your role in the course.

1. Go to the D2L course that you wish to send the email from.

2. Click on Communication on the navbar, then select Classlist / Email.

3. Click on the Email Classlist button.

4. By default, All Users in the course are displayed. Filter your view by using the View By drop-down menu, choosing your Section/ Group and clicking on the Apply button.

5. Once you have made your Section/ Group selection, click on the Send Email button.

6. Compose your message and click on the button.

NOTE: It is important to know that D2L remembers your last selection/ filter setting.  If you wish to send an email to the whole class next time, remember to change the View By option back to User and click Apply.

Tip: Want to see a record of what you have sent from D2L?

1. Click on the Envelope icon at the top right-hand corner.

2. Click the Email link to go to email.

3. Click on the Sent Mail button.

4. D2L will show you the history of messages that were sent out from the system.  Click into the specific email thread to see more details.