Release Conditions & Best Practices

Release conditions in D2L allow you to create a custom learning path through the materials in your course.  When you attach a release condition to an item, students cannot see that item until they meet the associated condition.  See for further information.


– Release conditions are not visible to students, so they may not realize materials are hidden from them. Make sure you tell them that release conditions exist in your course.

– Release conditions do not apply to Instructors and individuals with TA roles. In other words, their access within the course is not restricted by the release conditions you have put in place.

Common uses of Release Conditions

  • Require students to visit a topic in the Content tool before they can post to a Discussion board.
  • Require students to submit an Assignment before they can take a Quiz.
  • Require that students receive a certain score on an Assignment rubric before they can view a topic in the Content.
  • Restrict an Announcement so that only students who failed a Quiz can view it.
  • Required students to complete an activity or a number of activities to get an Award.
  • Release conditions can also be added to Intelligent Agents to create email notifications for users. For example, you could create an intelligent agent that sends a reminder email to users who have not yet completed a required quiz or assignment in the course. 

How do they work?

Once users meet an associated condition, a pop-up notification appears to inform the user that additional content is now available.

If you attach multiple conditions to an item, users must meet all conditions before they can access the item. For example, you could require users to visit the first three content topics in a unit before gaining access to an associated quiz.

Once a user meets a release condition, the condition is cleared for that user and cannot be reset.

Click here to learn how to add an existing or create a new Release Condition.

Best Practices for creating Release Conditions

Follow these best practices when you create release conditions

Click here to learn more.

Appendix I: Available Release Conditions   


  • Submission to Dropbox 
  • Receive Feedback on Dropbox Folder 
  • Score on Associated Rubric 
  • No submission to dropbox 


  • Award Earned 


  • Completed checklist 
  • Completed checklist item 
  • Incomplete checklist 
  • Incomplete checklist item 

Class list 

  • Group Enrollment 
  • Org Unit Enrollment 
  • Section Enrollment 
  • Role in Current Org Unit 
  • Date of Enrollment in Current Org Unit 


  • Group Enrollment 
  • Org Unit Enrollment 
  • Section Enrollment 
  • Role in Current Org Unit 
  • Date of Enrollment in Current Org Unit 


  • Visited content topic 
  • Visited all content topic 
  • No visited content topic 
  • Completed content topic 
  • Not completed content topic 


  • Post authored in topic 
  • Score on Associated Rubric 
  • No posts authored in topic 


  • Grade Value on a Grade Item 
  • Score on Associated Rubric 


  • Score on a Quiz 
  • Completed Quiz Attempt 
  • Score on Selected Questions 
  • Score on Associated Rubric 
  • No completed quiz attempt 


  • Completed Survey Attempt 
  • No completed Survey Attempt