Changing or removing course banner
One of the new D2L features in the Daylight interface is the course banner. The banner can be customized by selecting an image from the D2L Library, or by uploading an image from your personal files.
NOTE: In order to change the course banner, you need to have Instructor, TA-full access, TA-No grading or Course Administrator role.
Modifying Course Banner
Note: the maximum size for the course image banner is 1230 x 200 pixels and image files must be smaller than 2400 x 960. Larger images and images with different aspect ratios are automatically resized appropriately. See below for an example of how the same banner image displays in thumbnail format (left) and in banner format (right).
Original image format

Banner image format

1. On the right hand side of the default course banner, you will see this icon: Click the icon and select Change Image.

2. Scroll through the image library to select an image, or choose Upload.

If you choose to upload a custom image, you will be taken to this page:

Do not modify any other information on the page. After uploading your image, scroll to the bottom of the page and save.
Removing course banner
Remove the banner from the course as follows:

Note: although it is possible to remove the banner from the course page, it is not possible to remove the banner from the D2L Home Page (thumbnail image)
Adding text to your banner
We do not recommend adding text to your banner. Below are screenshots of how text will appear in thumbnail, banner, and responsive modes:




Copyright information
Materials posted to D2L must be compliant with Canadian Copyright law and institutional policies and agreements. Please direct questions to