Quick Reference Guide: Moderating Students’ Interactivity on Zoom

Use these tips to prevent and/or shut down disruptive behaviours during your Zoom session.

Download reference guide (PDF) here.

1. Annotation

While sharing your screen, you can disable the annotation tool so participants cannot draw or write on your shared screen. Click More in the screen share controls to Disable Participants Annotation. You can also disable annotation completely in your settings on ucalgary.zoom.us.

More info: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115005706806#h_b81dec21-449f-4f7f-8165-c0060911268f

2. Authentication

When setting up your meeting, select Only authenticated users can join. Only participants with UCalgary IT accounts can access the meeting. If you have non-UCalgary attendees or Continuing Education students, this option is not advisable.

More info: https://elearn.ucalgary.ca/account-provisioning-important-first-step/

3. Chat

You can disable the chat function completely. However, if you do require
participants to ask questions via chat, you can limit chatting to only the host. That is, participants can only send messages to you and not have private chats.

More info: https://elearn.ucalgary.ca/using-chat-panel/

4. Microphone

If you do not want participants to interrupt you while talking and you would prefer they ask questions via chat, you can mute all participants and uncheck allow participants to unmute themselves.

More info: https://elearn.ucalgary.ca/muting-and-unmuting-participants/

5. Renaming

Participants can choose their screen name before signing into the meeting as a guest but cannot change their names during a meeting. As host, you may rename a participant within the meeting, if required.

6. Share Screen

Disable screen share by participants to limit the share screen functionality to only the host.

More info: https://elearn.ucalgary.ca/screen-sharing-basics/

7. Video

Only a single participant video can be turned off at a time when it is enabled by the participant. Once disabled by the host, the participant will not be able to turn on their video throughout the Zoom session.

More info: https://elearn.ucalgary.ca/managing-participants-video/

8. More Tips

View a more detailed Zoom guide on how to adjust pre-meeting and in-meeting settings to make your Zoom lectures secure.

More info: https://zoom.us/docs/doc/Securing%20Your%20Zoom%20Meetings.pdf

Contact info

For more information on how to use Zoom and other learning technologies, visit elearn.ucalgary.ca, or contact the learning technology coaches at
techcoaches@ucalgary.ca if you require help with implementing any of the suggestions above.