Dropbox – Create an Assignment with Anonymous Submissions
To avoid unconscious bias in the grading and feedback process, instructors can configure Dropbox assignments to use anonymous learner names.
Note: At this time, the Anonymous Marking option (Hide student names during assessment) is only available to the Department of Philosophy and Department of English by default in D2L. If your course is offered by a different department and you wish to have this tool turned on, please submit a request to UService (IT). Provide details of your course and a system administrator will be able to enable the option for you.
Important: Please do not Publish Feedback until you have evaluated all submissions as doing so will immediately release the students’ names. (Retracting feedback will re-hide the names.)
For more information, please see https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/3613-about-anonymous-marking

Note to administrators: Upon request, enable d2l.Tools.System.Features.AnonymousMarking config variable for the course