Ways to Protect Your Recording – Privacy Factsheet
Follow these steps to protect your Zoom recordings. Prevent downloading and sharing of your recordings and restrict who can view your recordings. This document shows the various restrictions that can be set on your Zoom and YuJa recordings before sharing them with students.
First, follow the instructions here on how to record a video using zoom.
To access your recordings and set restrictions on the recording before sharing it, follow the steps below:
1. Sign in to ucalgary.zoom.us.

2. On the left-hand pane, select Recordings, select the recording you want to share and then click on Share.

3. On the pop-up window, do any of the following:
Share the recording Publicly to give anyone with this link access to the recording.
Only authenticated users to view allows only participants with UCalgary accounts access to this recording. This is not advisable to use if you will be sharing this recording to non-UCalgary participants.
Add expiry date to the link: select this option to select a date when you would like the video to expire.
Viewers can download: keep this option turned off if you want to prevent students from downloading the recording.
On-demand (Registration Required): enable this option to require invitees to register before watching the recording online. This is only necessary if you need a list of viewers. Otherwise, keep this option turned off.
Password protection: by default, every recording is password protected. Click on Show to view the password and click on Edit to change the password.
Copy sharing information to clipboard: click on this to copy the link of the video and its password to your clipboard and share it with your students either via a D2L content or via Email.

Before setting restrictions on videos, follow these instructions on how to record a video using YuJa or how to upload external content on YuJa.
Now follow the steps below to set restrictions on your YuJa video before sharing it.
1. Hover around the uploaded Yuja file and click on More.

2. Click on Downloads on the open window. By default, Allow viewers to download option is set to Disable. Click on Save Downloads. You can also click on Request Media to have the downloadable file sent to your email from YuJa.

3. Click on Links to get access to links for both embedding the video and a direct link to share with students. You can also set restrictions on who can access this link by clicking on Security Settings.

4. In the Security Settings page, you can do the following:
a. Private: selecting this option disables sharing the video either by using the embed or direct link. You can select this option if the video will be uploaded directly on D2L and you will not be sharing the link with anyone else.
b. Public: this allows anyone with the embed or direct link access to the recording.
c. Additional Restrictions: select one of the following
Password or Authentication Restriction: Platform Authentication (Platform or Single Sign On) requires the viewers of the video have a UCalgary account. This option should not be used if you will be sharing the video with external guests. You can also set a Simple Password and only those with this password will be able to access the link sent.
Date Restriction: select this option if you want the video to be visible within a set period of time. After the Invisible Date passes, users will no longer be able to view this video using the links.
Other options are the IP Range and Address, Location and Domain Restriction.
d. Click on Save when all preferred restrictions have been set.
Note: for additional security, before sharing the link, you can follow the steps 2 to prevent viewers from downloading the video even from the link shared with them.