How to Record a YuJa Video within D2L as Course Instructor
It is best practice to run a short test to ensure your settings/devices are working properly prior to recording your lecture/ lesson.
1. As course instructor, navigate to Tools on your D2L course homepage and click on YuJa.

If you do not find YuJa on your course home page, follow the instructions here to add YuJa to your course home page Adding YuJa to D2L Nav Bar
2. On the opened YuJa page, click on Create Recording.

If the Yuja Software Capture application has not been installed on your computer, follow the instructions here:
3.The YuJa Software Station will open and you will be now able to create a recording.
The software interface/ version may look slightly different, depending on whether you are using a PC or a Mac. Follow the instructions below to create a recording on your computer:
4. Once you have finished and saved your recording, find your video on your D2L YuJa page.
Note: Yuja Videos are only stored online in the cloud by default. They are not saved on your computer (locally). The videos can be manually downloaded from your Media Library after they have been processed though.
It may take a few minutes for your video to show up under My Media on the YuJa page. You will usually get a notification in your University of Calgary email inbox after the video has been processed.

Video 1 is still being processed and video 2 is an example of a fully processed video. After the video has been processed completely, you may share, edit, download the video, add some sharing restrictions or move it into a folder.
Click here for instructions on how to add this YuJa video to the Content section of your D2L course.