Adding a TA or instructor to your course
Open Video Tutorial: How to enroll a TA in your D2L course
Instructor and student enrollments for credit courses are handled automatically. There may be an overnight delay. For example, if students register for your course in PeopleSoft today, they will not show up on your D2L classlist until tomorrow. If they drop the class today, they will disappear from your D2L course overnight. Class enrollments usually stabilize after the Add/ Drop Date.
If you need to manually enroll someone in your D2L course, e.g. a teaching assistant (TA), please follow the instructions below. Note: You will need Instructor or Course Administrator access to perform these steps.

1. In your D2L course, click on Communication, then select the Classlist/Email option.
2. Click on the blue Add Participants button, then from the drop-down menu, select Add existing users.

3. Search for the user you wish to add to your course. You may look up the individual’s name or email address, but the most effective way would be to search for the person’s 8-digit UCID number (here called Org Defined ID). Click on the magnifying glass to complete the search.

4. From the search results, locate the person you wish to add, put a checkmark by their name and choose the status you wish to grant them using the Select a Role drop-down menu. For credit courses, you will also be prompted to Select a Section. You may choose any section as this restriction does not apply to TA’s or Instructors. Click the Enrol Selected Users button to complete the enrolment.

There are several role types you may choose from:
- TA – full access: Can perform similar tasks as the instructor, with a few exceptions (e.g. cannot release final grades)
- TA – grading only: Has access to manage Grades, but cannot add or modify content
- TA – No grading: Has access to perform duties as a “Course Builder”, but does not have the ability to manage Grades
- Instructor ReadOnly – Has viewing rights to the current course and the ability to export materials to another D2L site (excludes student data)
Note to Instructors: Each of these roles in set up with different permissions in the system. To get a general sense of what each role can or cannot do in the D2L course, or which tools the user has access to, you may use the Role Switch option:
Click on your D2L profile at the top right-hand corner of the page, then click Change and select the role you wish to view the course as. To return to your actual course role, click the X button.